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Expedia Promo Code & Coupon for Singapore June 2024

Up to 9% CashbackWas Up to 5% Cashback

Cashback Rates

  • Hotels9%
  • Activities4%
  • Hotel + Flight Package1%
  • Flights$3.50
To ensure Expedia Cashback and promo code eligibility.
  • Use only promo codes featured on ShopBack
  • Click through ShopBack again if there's any error
  • Ensure complete the booking within Expedia webpage within ShopBack App.
  • Cancellations, no shows and changes to bookings.
  • Gift card purchases, promo/voucher codes not approved by ShopBack are not eligible for cashback unless otherwise stated
  • Other categories (Cars, Things To Do)
  • Bookings on external partner pages
  • Bookings with travel dates >2 years from the date of purchase are ineligible for cashback
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Cashback is calculated based on final price excluding taxes, fees and service charges.
Cashback excludes store credits and voucher codes.
Packages are bookings with a combination of Hotel + Flight / Hotel + Car Hire / Hotel+ Car Hire+ Flight / Hotels + Insurance or Services. Hotel bookings made with different room rates in a single booking will be commissioned as packages....

Terms & Conditions

ShopBack must be the last link you clicked in order to get Cashback. If other website links are clicked after clicking through ShopBack, Cashback will not be tracked (eg coupon and deal websites).
If for some reason your payment made on merchant page has failed, do click through ShopBack again and re-do your purchases to ensure tracking is still active.
Return to ShopBack and click through to the merchant every time you are making a new transaction....
More about Expedia

Travel the world with just a few clicks of the mouse at Expedia

Expedia Homepage
Have you tried booking tickets online? With so many websites on offer, it can be a bit intimidating as well as confusing at times. This is exactly why you need a trusted friend like Expedia - your one stop shop to online travel bookings. Having been around since 1996, Expedia has over 20000 employees all helping travelers get to and stay where they want.

Services by Expedia

Here are the services provided by Expedia that has made them such a household name in the travel industry:
Flight TicketsFlight tickets are one of the primary services that Expedia provides. Whether you want to book flight tickets within your state, country or even continents, Expedia has an answer for all of it. Over the years the company has joined hands with several vendors and service providers, making way for very secure and easy websites for anyone s use.
Hotel BookingsExpedia lets you book hotels right from the comfort of your home. If you are planning to visit a new place or even to a place you ve been before, look out for Expedia offers and you will end up saving some money or get better hotels for the same price.
Flight + HotelFor people traveling to a new place, it would add a lot more value to be able to book flights and hotel rooms together. With Expedia, you can do the same. When you book with Expedia, you simply make the deal even sweeter.
CruisesTravelers who prefer cruises as a preferred mode of transportation or want to try out cruises for the first time, Expedia is the right place. Expedia lets you book a cruise to your favorite destination without much fuss.
Car RentalsHiring car rentals is another thoughtful service provided by Expedia. This service lets you book car rentals even before you reach your destination. It saves you from a lot of last minute trauma of not being able to find rental cars. Since Expedia has several partners, you have access to a wide fleet of cars to choose from.
Holiday ActivitiesThis is a feature that might not be available in all the countries that Expedia has a presence in. If it is available in your destination city or country, you can take your holiday experience a few notches up. You can book holiday activities on the website or the mobile app and ensure you never have a boring moment on your holiday.

Find out where you can enjoy the best Staycations in Singapore here:

Visit ShopBack for exclusive Expedia deals and offers!

o doubts that Expedia provides some of the finest travel deals you will come across online. But what if there is a way to save even more? Well, there is. All you have to do is use ShopBack to enjoy Cashback on your Expedia transactions or from other travel merchants like or Agoda. What s more, you can even enjoy information on some of the latest and updated discount codes and promo for you to stack with your Cashback rewards! You can also enjoy great savings on hotel bookings and activity by using your - be sure to read our handy guide on !

Types of bookingSavings
Expedia Flights BookingsEnjoy 0.50% cashback and even more when you use Expedia on your hotel bookings
Expedia Hotels plus Flights Package BookingsEarn 2.50% cashback on your Hotels plus Flights Packages. For more savings, lookout for Expedia promotions or voucher codes.
Expedia Hotels Bookings and Insurance / Services PackageGet 2.50% cashback for Hotels plus Insurance / Services packages with more discounts with Expedia!
Hotel BookingsEnjoy 6.00% cashback for Hotels bookings plus additional savings when you apply Expedia discount codes!

Visit the Expedia Deals section to get your savings to even greater heights!

Expedia regularly dishes out deals for you to take advantage of. There are various for you to choose from. Some of which includes the Expedia Destinations of The Week, Expedia Hotel deals to Expedia Travel Smarter deals. Be sure to look into all of this so you can get that much needed additional discount on your travel bookings.

Connect with Expedia through their channels

One of the major reasons behind the rise of Expedia as a force in online travel bookings is their attention to details when it comes to customer experience. Hence Expedia can be contacted via many means either through their customer support section or their feedback page. A much more simpler way would be via their social media channels here:

Check out Expedia Promotions Around the Region